Head In The Tree
While this influencer looks like an ethereal fairy in the photo on the left, she has revealed to us that she literally had to stick her head in a tree to get this photo. Not as magical from the other perspective!

Head In The Tree
Just Birdin’ Around
This influencer decided to take advantage of the birds that were hanging around her in order to take a nice photo. However, seconds after the photo on the left were captured, the birds flipped out and began to swoop right at her. We must say, we might almost prefer the photo on the right.

Just Birdin’ Around
Effortlessly Glamorous
Celeste Barber, the comedian pictured on the right, is known for posting hilarious recreations of very unrealistic Instagram photos that celebrities and models will post. We love Celeste’s sense of humor and how she illustrates how silly some of these poses can be.

Effortlessly Glamorous
I Woke Up Like This
Not everything you see online is the truth! While many influencers want us to believe that they wake up looking fresh and photo-ready, this influencer has shown us what she truly looks like when she wakes up versus a very posed photo.

I Woke Up Like This
Behind The Scenes
There are plenty of photos floating around the social media sphere that show people in impossible-seeming photos. We’re here to show you that some of them quite literally are impossible without a crew helping you out. We wonder if this risky pose was worth the final photo anyway.

Behind The Scenes
It’s Allergy Season
How many times have you seen an Instagram photo where someone is surrounded by gorgeous flowers or trees? This influencer decided to poke fun at this concept by showing what a more realistic photo would look like for someone who has a severe allergy.

It’s Allergy Season
The Truth Behind That Photo
The photo on the left is quite adorable, and leaves the viewer wondering just who took this cute photo. Meanwhile, the fact remains that this girl recruited her own foot to be the photographer at this photoshoot. Talk about talent!

The Truth Behind That Photo
Not So Graceful
It is so easy to forget that what we see in social media posts is so far away from reality. Since most of what we see is a highlight reel, like the photo on the left, it’s hard to forget that life is not always pretty and picture-perfect, like the photo on the right, which is much more real.

Not So Graceful
All About The Angle
Sometimes, the perfect photo doesn’t have anything to do with a professional camera crew. Instead, the right angle and filter will be much more flattering, as we can see in the following photos. Just learn how to take a better photo of yourself and you too can become an influencer.

All About The Angle
It’s Actually Freezing
People will go to extremes to get a nice photo to post online, even if it means suffering. This girl ignored the fact that this pool was absolutely freezing in order to get the photo on the left. Once it was snapped, she was finally free to shout about how cold the water truly was.

It’s Actually Freezing
Follow My Lead
Photos including “leading hands” have become quite popular on social media lately. They feature the subject of the photo holding the photographer’s hand. But what happens when you’re your own photographer and you’re using a tripod instead of a human? This girl found the perfect solution and used a mannequin’s arm!

Follow My Lead
Is There Something On My Face?
Getting over the top and colorful desserts in order to take a photo with them is a huge part of being on social media. Often, we pose in a way that doesn’t even involve tasting the dessert! However, it’s clear from the photo on the right that this girl dived right in after the first photo was taken.

Is There Something On My Face?
Got Sunglasses?
Sometimes when people pose with their eyes closed, we think this is a deliberate, artistic choice. In this influencer’s case, she forgot to bring her sunglasses with her and instead this was a strategic choice.

Got Sunglasses?
I’m Starving!
Ah, taking a photo of you and your food, one of the most classic photos to exist on social media. This influencer decided to show us what happens 10 seconds after that first adorable photo is taken, and we have to say, the second photo is much more relatable.

I’m Starving!
Not Ready
Often when you see a perfect photo, there are hundreds of other takes that did not make it onto social media. This influencer decided to share one of those “not ready yet” photos to show everyone that social media truly is just the highlight reel of life.

Not Ready
I Swallowed A Fly!
Some people take issue with influencers posting photos with food that they suspect the influencer is not eating. While we’re not saying this girl doesn’t like In-N-Out burgers, she most certainly doesn’t look to enthused in the second photo. Maybe she just swallowed a fly by accident though!

I Swallowed A Fly!
This Is So Uncomfortable
Sometimes really incredible photos take very uncomfortable situations in order to capture the perfect moment. This influencer decided to share just how uncomfortable this pose was to take. We want to add that it also looks quite dangerous and advise not to repeat this.

This Is So Uncomfortable
It’s Actually Quite Heavy
Around the holidays, it seems like all we see are happy families with shiny decorations sprinkled on our social media timelines. We don’t often see the process in which it took to decorate their homes. This influencer got very candid about how hard it was to transport her Christmas tree to her home.

It’s Actually Quite Heavy
Pumpkin Patch Realness
Come autumn time, it seems like our social media is full of photos of pumpkin patches. While heading for a day of apple and pumpkin picking is quite fun, it’s important to remember that these are still real farms, and it is highly likely that you’re going to get a bit dirty.

Pumpkin Patch Realness
Cute But Messy
These days, it seems like some people get pets in order to set up accounts for them on social media and to show every cute little thing they do to the rest of the world. We don’t often see the tougher sides of pet parenting, like the fun presents we sometimes find they’ve left us behind.

Cute But Messy
A Casual Walk
This influencer wanted to show how easy and effortless she could make rollerblading with a dog look, but decided to also show a more realistic photo of the situation as well. We must admit, it does look like a lot of fun either way!

A Casual Walk
Puppy Kisses
There’s nothing quite like the love from a pet puppy…that is, until you’re being completely smothered without expecting to. This influencer showed the sloppier side of puppy kisses that is not frequently shared on social media.

Puppy Kisses
You Can’t Catch Me!
This gingerbread man was not about to be cooperative after being placed in the oven. While it’s easy to pretend to be domestic goddesses on social media, this influencer decided to show how silly all of this posing can be. We never seem to see when things go wrong, so we appreciate her post!

You Can’t Catch Me!
It’s The Dead Of Winter
Often we will see models posing in short sleeves or bottoms in the middle of winter, and many of us wonder just how they stand walking around like that. The truth is, they don’t. Here we see the truth: it’s called an outfit change!

It’s The Dead Of Winter
True Tourism
We think that these days, half of the reason people go travel is to take photos to post online. We may make fun of people who are dressed in typical tourist fashion, but we think they’re actually the ones truly focused on enjoying their surroundings.

True Tourism
Running Ain’t Pretty
How many times have you seen someone post a photo of them running or exercising while looking a little too effortless? We think that may be because they’re not really taking a photo of themselves after the workout, but a little bit before.

Running Ain’t Pretty
Saving Pennies To Spend Big
So many people post photos in front of luxury shops, and often we wonder just how they afford buying so many brand name products. This influencer decided to poke fun at this, and show how many people who post these photos buy their groceries at discount stores.

Saving Pennies To Spend Big
High Waisted Leggings
Another popular trend on social media is transparency behind fitness posts. This influencer decided to show her followers the wonders of the high waisted leggings. While she looks great in both photos, she shows us how people can be misleading with their photos online.

High Waisted Leggings
Underwater Glam
This influencer showed two very different sides of travel photography. On the left, we the see classic posed photo, with a face full of makeup and a flower placed perfectly on her ear. On the right, we see a more realistic photo of her actually enjoying swimming in the water.

Underwater Glam
Nobody Actually Wants To Work Out
This influencer decided to make fun of the fitness influencer culture found on social media. We’re often bombarded with fitness related posts with seemingly perfect bodies. However, she shows how strategic posing can be more flattering than reality, and her expression more truly reflects our feelings on working out.

Nobody Actually Wants To Work Out
Monday Morning At Work
While we all have to bring our A-game every day while at work, including on Monday mornings, sometimes it’s really hard to pull it together. This woman shows how many times people fake it when on the inside, they really feel exhausted, as she shows on the right.

Monday Morning At Work
Kylie Does It Too
Celebrities are just as guilty of using photoshop and flattering angles in their social media posts. He we see a photo of Kylie Jenner in person as well as in an Instagram photo. She looks great in both, but it’s clear to see that social media sometimes shows an ideal version of reality.

Kylie Does It Too
Hang On Tight
While the photo on the left is very cool, we have to admit when we look at the behind the scenes of what it took to snap this shot, we have to wonder if the risk was truly worth it. We hope whoever was holding on to this girl has a tight grip!

Hang On Tight
Traveling Reality
Often we’ll see travel photos featuring perfect outfits, high heels, and matching luggage. We’ve always wondered how some people look so polished while traveling, but this influencer has let us in on the secret that they don’t always look so picture perfect either.

Traveling Reality
A Disappointing Truth
Many times people will travel to certain locations that they’ve stumbled upon online since they look so breathtaking in the images. It’s truly disappointing when you’ve spent a lot of time and money to get somewhere only for it to look totally different in person than it does online.

A Disappointing Truth
Not As Purple As You Thought
For that reason, it is always important to do thorough research before traveling to a location. Make sure it actually looks like those glamorous Instagram photos make it look so that you can avoid feeling disappointed when you arrive at the destination.

Not As Purple As You Thought
New Car! Not Really…
People will really go to extremes to get those “likes” on social media. Some people have faked going on vacation, photoshopping themselves at locations they’ve never visited. This influencer decided to poke fun at this, by pretending she got a new car, when in reality it was just a toy.

New Car! Not Really…
Hanging Out At Home
Sometimes people post photos of themselves “casually” at home, looking effortlessly glamorous, when in reality they don’t actually look like that on a regular basis. That’s why this influencer decided to mock this concept. Who else wants some Funyuns now?

Hanging Out At Home
‘Perfect’ Travel Photo
Capturing the perfect photo is sometimes the ultimate the goal for influencers. However, we don’t often get to see the behind the scenes of what it takes to get these seemingly perfect shots. How much water got into this poor girl’s eyes in order to snap this pic?

Perfect Travel Photo
When People Say They Eat Healthy
We’ve all seen those posts where people pledge to only eat healthy greens from now on. What we don’t often see is them sneaking spoonful of Nutella behind the camera. We’re not judging, Nutella is way tastier than broccoli anyway.

When People Say They Eat Healthy