Things You Never Knew About Iceland, A Truly Unique Country

Published on November 30, 2022

Elf School

While Reykjavík is a very modern city, did you know that you can take classes at the Icelandic Elf School in order to learn about Icelandic folklore? There you can learn all about the Hidden People of ancient Icelandic folklore, as well as 13 types of elves that the group believes in. The organization offers a full curriculum as well as certificate programs that visitors can obtain. About 54% of Icelanders believe elves are real!

Elf School

Elf School

Book Buying Tradition

There is a tradition of book buying during Christmastime in Iceland called Jólabókaflóð. This means that everyone gets a book for Christmas, which helps explain why Iceland has one of the highest rates of books per capita in the world. Many books are released ahead of Christmas, and there’s also a tradition of reading new books and drinking hot chocolate on Christmas.

Book Buying Tradition

Book Buying Tradition