Teenager Learns His Lesson The Hard Way When A Man Stood Up To Him

Published on December 27, 2020
It’s normal for each generation to pride themselves on being the best that’s ever walked the earth. This is especially evident for the younger generation, who think they hold the ability to take on the world because of the technological knowledge and devices they have in the palm of their hands. This younger generation may have a well-developed understanding of the technology that’s available in the world. However, that doesn’t mean they are better than the rest. It’s evident that kids these days have lost their manners and walk around as the world owes them a favor. However, it seemed that one person didn’t stand for the lack of respect for the rules one of these kids showed.

A Common Rule

The subway is commonly known as a space where you need to fight to gain the ability to sit down. This is especially the case if you have a long ride ahead. Respect for others is going to have you taking one seat if you’re lucky.

A Common Rule

A Common Rule

A Lack of Kindness

A common misconception is that most people don’t own a vehicle and rather make use of public transport. Even with a great portion of the population using public modes of transportation, there is a lack of kindness shown to those you encounter.

A Lack Of Kindness

A Lack Of Kindness


More Annoyed

For whatever reason, people tend to get more annoyed as soon as they step foot in any form of public transport. It has become an unspoken competition for passengers to gain the best position and comfort, despite how disrespectful or unsympathetic they need to be.

More Annoyed

More Annoyed


Beyond Rude

There are many instances of people being incredibly rude while using public transport. You’re made to feel uneasy whenever you’re on a train, bus, or any other form of public transportation. After all, you are in a public space, so you can’t expect people to behave the same as you do.

Beyond Rude

Beyond Rude



It isn’t an exaggeration to say that most commuters are incredibly disrespectful. These individuals don’t consider others and only think of themselves. From taking up available space with their belongings or blasting music, these are all activities that disrespect the public space that everyone is in.




Selfish Passengers

Selfish passengers are the worst! There’s nothing more disrespectful than having to ask a fellow commuter to move their legs so that you can sit, and they say no. It’s not just rude – it’s unacceptable and shouldn’t even be considered a normal way to treat others.

Selfish Passengers

Selfish Passengers


Keep the Peace

When something unfair happens, it can incredibly be challenging to remain calm. There are some people that have the ability to manage these situations in a peaceful manner, but that’s not everyone. These situations can make other commuters extremely uncomfortable.

Keep The Peace

Keep The Peace


Looking for an Argument

No matter how you try to approach a situation, you’re never going to know how a fellow commuter is going to react to a remark. They want to start a physical fight. Is it worth getting violent just for a sit?

Looking For An Argument

Looking For An Argument


Viral Confrontations

With all the encounters on different modes of public transport, one that stands out is a viral story involving a younger boy who didn’t seem to respect the public space. The tweet showcasing this story got more than 130,000 likes within its first 24 hours.

Viral Confrontations

Viral Confrontations


Influencing People Through Social Media

It’s no secret that social media has the power to influence those who are using it. Many of the comments on this viral tweet left people in hysterics by how relatable the pot was. This only makes us wonder what was detailed in the tweet.

Influencing People Through Social Media

Influencing People Through Social Media


The Witness

The woman who caught this incident on camera and posted it to her Twitter account was named Isabel Kim. She’s known on social media for posting content that captures good moments, which she thoroughly enjoys. However, this tweet was completely different.

The Witness

The Witness


An Average Day

While on the subway, it seemed like a normal day. However, there was something unusual that caught Isabel’s eye. That’s when she decided that it would be best to start documenting the event, as she could see that something was brewing.

An Average Day

An Average Day


Just Like Everybody Else

Like everybody else on the subway that day, it seemed like a usual commute to their destination. Nobody could have anticipated the unpleasant and bizarre event that was happening right in the subway. It’s clear that this story was something that needed to be showcased.

Just Like Everybody Else

Just Like Everybody Else


Taking Up Too Much Space

A young boy was playing on his phone while lying across the bench on the subway. It was evident that he was taking up enough space for three people. This was an extremely disrespectful act as there were people who wanted to sit.

Taking Up Too Much Space

Taking Up Too Much Space


The ‘Lay Downer’

There’s always one person in every mode of public transport who is classified as the ‘lay downer.’ What does this name entail? A lay downer is generally someone who takes up more than one seat to be more comfortable. This term perfectly described the disrespectful boy.

The ‘Lay Downer’

The ‘Lay Downer’



The boy was too focused on playing on his phone to notice his surroundings. There were people all around him who couldn’t sit because the boy was taking up three spots on the train. What did the other passengers do about this?

Self Absorbed

Self Absorbed


Commuters’ Requests

When on any mode of public transport, passengers should always give up their seats for people with disabilities, pregnant women, and senior citizens. This is the way society has always functioned, and it’s the right and respectful thing to do.

Commuters’ Requests

Commuters’ Requests


The Parents’ Fault

The boy dismissed three of the commuters, who kindly asked him to move his legs so they could take a seat. What made the situation even worse was that his mother was on the train and watching him be so disrespectful.

The Parents’ Fault

The Parents’ Fault


The Mother

Many people are shocked that the mother was there and watched the entire event unfolded without getting involved or disciplining her child, who was so disrespectful to the other commuters. What does this event say about the mother’s parenting skills?

The Mother

The Mother


Not Just the Boy

Even worse, the mother didn’t just remain silent; she also ignored commuters’ requests by repeatedly saying ‘no.’ It seems the saying goes in this situation: like mother like son. She was equally as hypnotized by her phone as her son was to his.

Not Just The Boy

Not Just The Boy



After the son and mother’s constant refusals, the other commuters’ patience seemed to dwindle, and they were becoming increasingly upset. It was clear that the boy was starting to feel the tension in the air – the tension that he created.




Saving the Day

People were starting to get fed up with the situation. They had already asked him to move. What more could they do without breaking the peace? That’s when one of the passengers came out of the blue and saved the day.

Saving The Day

Saving The Day


The Mysterious Man

The young boy was still fixated on his phone when the mysterious man appeared and began staring at the disrespectful child. He wore funky sunglasses and seemed to resemble a younger version of Elton John. In fact, many passengers thought that it actually was Elton John.

The Mysterious Man

The Mysterious Man


A Popular Character

Although the mysterious man definitely wasn’t Elton John, it didn’t make him a less interesting character. His eccentric style and funky hair made him fascinating. He quickly became incredibly popular on the subway, but was it because of his appearance?

A Popular Character

A Popular Character


Elton John’s Twin

Although the Elton John look-a-like was incredibly fascinating, he wasn’t demanding any attention. He blended in with the rest of the passengers, who were getting frustrated with the annoying kid, but this man was slowly getting angrier and angrier with the child.

Elton John’s Twin

Elton John’s Twin


Matters into His Own Hands

The mysterious man had become fed up with the rude behavior of the kid. That’s when he decided to take matters into his own hands. It only made sense since the child’s own mother didn’t do anything. What did he end up doing?

Matters Into His Own Hands

Matters into His Own Hands



Although several people, including this mysterious man, had asked the boy to move his legs, he refused. Everyone’s patience had been wearing, and that’s when this Elton John look-a-like decided to sit on the kid’s legs. This set off a chain reaction of unpredictable events.




A Remarkable Moment

Thanks to Isabel Kim, we were able to see every moment as it unfolded. The images that Isabel captured were perfectly timed and showcased a remarkable moment. She had snapped her phone just at the moment when the man sat on the boy’s legs.

A Remarkable Moment

A Remarkable Moment


He Had the Right

Even if he was sitting on the boy’s legs, this mysterious man had every right to sit on the bench of the train. Not only was it about sitting, but the man also wanted to teach the boy a lesson – a lesson his mother failed to teach him.

He Had The Right

He Had The Right


The Blame Game

The story only gets crazier. The mother didn’t even notice that the man was sitting on her son’s legs. When her son’s legs were set free once again, she quickly noticed that they had missed their stop, which she started blaming her son for.

The Blame Game

The Blame Game


A Crazy Experience

The boy wasn’t to blame. It was entirely the mother’s fault, as she had been so absorbed by her phone to notice the man who was sitting on her son’s legs. However, the events continued to unfold, with Isabel not failing to capture it all.

A Crazy Experience

A Crazy Experience


Making a Scene

The mother started making a scene that left the other passengers incredibly uncomfortable. Not only had the boy been put in his place by the man sitting on his legs. He was also being shouted at by his mother for missing their bus stop.

Making A Scene

Making A Scene


That’s Not the End

The story isn’t over yet. After this occurrence, the kid decided that he wanted to express how he felt about the man’s actions shortly before he exited the subway. What did he say? He shockingly went on to curse at the mysterious man.

That’s Not The End

That’s Not The End


Making it Known

Isabel Kim shared the story on her social media, where it blew up. It became so popular that people decided to make shirts out of the pictures that were taken. The shirts were sold, and the procedures were given to a worthy cause.

Making It Known

Making It Known


Tales from the Subway

This story is going to be remembered for a very long time. After reading this, we’re sure that you’re likely to remember the mysterious man and the ignorant boy the next time you hop on the subway. However, hopefully, you don’t encounter the boy on your commute.

Tales From The Subway

Tales From The Subway


The Opinions

The outcome of this event had several different viewpoints. While many believed that the man had every right to do what he did, there were some people that didn’t agree with his actions 100 percent. One thing’s for sure; the boy isn’t going to try that again.

The Opinions

The Opinions


Getting Out of Control

Many people speculated as to whether what the man was going could be considered an assault. Despite this, the majority of people supported what the man had done. There was no doubt that the man had taught the boy a lesson.

Getting Out Of Control

Getting Out Of Control


Actions Have Consequences

The events that unfolded on the subway taught the boy a valuable lesson. Your actions have consequences, and in this case, his consequence was that a fully grown mad sat on his legs. What would you have done in the situation?

Actions Have Consequences

Actions Have Consequences



It’s clear that the boy didn’t have any public transport etiquette. However, he isn’t the only one. There have been many recordings and photos of people who simply don’t adhere to the propriety of the subway, which makes the entire experience unpleasant for everyone.




Things to Remember

Remember, if you ever find yourself out in public transport, don’t be the annoying boy in this situation. Be the man that puts that person in their place. We’re sure that most of the passengers on the same commute are going to thank you for it setting these individuals straight.

Things To Remember

Things To Remember