Soon after selling the ring, she received texts from a stranger. It frightened and upset her, and the texts continued rolling in. Who was the person texting her, and why were they trying to scare her?!
Removing the Memories
Jane was happy to sell the ring to prevent the memories of her ex from flooding her mind. She wanted to forget it all, but some other force wouldn’t let her. Things took a bad turn, and it started an odd situation she didn’t know how to deal with.

Removing the Memories
Unbelievable Situation
Jane could not believe what was happening to her. Though she’d heard of situations like hers before, she never realized someone would do it to her. The texts wouldn’t stop, and the problem got out of hand quickly.

Unbelievable Situation
Blocked Number
The worst part of it all was that the number calling her was anonymous, so she didn’t know who it was. This made her wonder if she should call the cops. Would they turn her away for being overly dramatic? Maybe she should just ignore the texts!

Blocked Number
The Text
Jane started dating again a few weeks after the breakup. However, she received a text from a strange number one day. She’d meant to delete it, but she accidentally tapped on it, so it opened up. The message shocked her!

The Text
Not Thinking Much
The text claimed that she should have given it back, and she’d pay the price for what she’d done. None of it made sense because Jane didn’t realize the stranger was talking about the ring. She deleted the message completely!

Not Thinking Much
Unknown Caller
During the next few days, the texts continued. The tone was aggressive, and the threats and insults were more hostile. Jane wasn’t sure what to do, and it caused her paranoia. Finally, the unknown person called, and she answered.

Unknown Caller
Get the Ring Back
When she chose to answer the phone, there was no sound initially. She demanded they reveal their name, but no one said anything. However, when she threatened to hang up, a voice on the other end of the line told her to get the ring back.

Get the Ring Back
The Ring
Since Jane was upset, she called her new boyfriend, and he came over 30 minutes later. They ate quietly, but then he shocked her when he asked if she had sold that ring. It wasn’t a joke, and this made her wonder how he had even known!

The Ring
Furious Jane
Jane had no idea how he’d learned about the ring, but she couldn’t ask because she was angry. She wanted to know if he’d been calling and texting her, but the he said no, and his surprise made her believe him. Someone had told him to say it.

Furious Jane
Leaving Quickly
She didn’t know if she truly believed him, asking who would want to scare her like that. Jane was in his face, but he had enough and wanted to keep out of it. Therefore, he grabbed his coat and never returned.

Leaving Quickly
By Herself
Jane felt alone, but she knew she had to find out what was happening. Therefore, she left her phone at home, called a taxi, and went to the pawn shop. It was the only place she could find answers, and the owner was expecting her.

By Herself
After All
When Jane walked into the pawn shop, he said two words: “After all.” She worried about trusting him enough to discuss the ring. Finally, she pretended to be selling other things, but he told her to leave.

After All
Jane had to know and asked what he really wanted. He claimed that she was in need of something. Overall, she was completely confused and unsure of herself. However, the owner’s attitude changed quickly.

The Value
The owner believed she wanted to get the ring back because it was worth something, but she told him she didn’t care about the value. Still, she asked who his source was, playing his game and promising to pay the price.

The Value
The Unexpected Help
Finally, the owner gave her a telephone number, and she left the establishment, thanking him for helping. Now, she went back home to come up with a plan. However, she wasn’t aware that assistance would come her way soon.

The Unexpected Help
As the taxi pulled into her driveway, she saw her ex Justin waiting at her front door. She tried to make him leave, but he told her someone was harassing her and he knew it was because of the ring. This got her interested!

Let’s Him In
When Justin said he wasn’t the one harassing her, she decided to let him in and use him. Though he apologized, she stopped him and asked him to help her compare the phone numbers of the pawn shop owner and the anonymous person.

Let’s Him In
New Girlfriend
It turns out that the phone number the shop owner gave her was from Justin’s new girlfriend. She became jealous and didn’t like that Justin had given gifts to Jane. Therefore, she harassed the poor woman to get back with Justin.

New Girlfriend
Jane called the cops and gave them the proof from the texts and voicemails. Justin had broken up with her, which caused her to need mental health help. Though Justin and Jane became friends, this was not the end of the story.

Gathering Intel
Detective Carter was assigned to Jane’s case, and he listened carefully while she explained everything. He told her he’d do what he could and asked for any more information she might have. Then he told her to stay in public places and avoid being alone.

Gathering Intel
Dead Leads
It took weeks to investigate the case, and Detective Carter was focused on finding out who the person was. He learned that the phone number came from a burner phone, so that didn’t help. Plus, the security footage he found wasn’t conclusive.

Dead Leads
Won’t Give Up
There were plenty of setbacks throughout the case, but the detective didn’t give up. He dug deeper into their pasts to find connections that would lead to a suspect. Then, he found out about Justin’s abusive and stalker behavior!

Won’t Give Up
The Ex-Boyfriend
The detective needed evidence and called Justin to meet and purchase the ring. It was a trap. They met at a small cafe, and Jane was there with Carter and more officers. Though he sat across from her, he appeared nervous.

The Ex-Boyfriend
Getting Upset
Detective Carter asked about the ring, wanting to link Justin to the harassment. However, the man became agitated and defensive, claiming that he wasn’t involved and had moved on from Jane.

Getting Upset
Back-up Plan
Finally, it was time for the detective to reveal himself, but they noticed a commotion outside. Everyone wanted to see what was going on, not realizing that it was a diversion. Justin had escaped!

Back-up Plan
The Chase
Detective Carter and his team chased Justin, but he was able to slip away and disappear into the city. Overall, Jane was upset, but the cops promised to catch him. When would this mess end?!

The Chase
Getting Away
Justin was able to get away, but this made the cops intensify their investigation. Everyone at the cafe was questioned, and they analyzed the evidence they currently had. Finally, they found out about Justin’s other identity, making things that much harder.

Getting Away
Not Sure
More text messages came through to Jane, and they mentioned a house outside of town. The detective and Jane investigated. It was a dilapidated place, and they were both uneasy as they went inside to find clues about the ring.

Not Sure
Past Catches Up
Jane and Detective Carter went upstairs into the bedroom and noticed some loose floorboards. There, they saw a diary that belonged to Emily, and the information came from a troubled mind. This was Justin’s ex-girlfriend!

Past Catches Up
More Meaning
The detective read the entries and found out that Emily was fixated on that ring. She thought that if she wore it and owned it, Justin would come back to her. Therefore, her resentment and jealousy was making her delusional.

More Meaning
Emily was angry at Jane, thinking that she had stolen the ring and Justin. Therefore, she got the burner phone to make the woman suffer. The detective told Jane all of this, and he realized Emily manipulated it all to make them think Justin was the one!

Focus on Emily
The new information they learned made everything clear. However, the detective now had to come up with a plan to bring Emily in alive. He called a specialty task force, and they all coordinated things to catch her, which led to a wooded place with a cabin.

Focus on Emily
Breaking In
One evening, the police officers surrounded the cabin, and they were told to be prepared for anything. Jane and Carter were there, and they asked Emily to surrender. Would she do it, or did she have something up her sleeve?!

Breaking In
Emily finally came out a few minutes later, and there was fear in her eyes. Hesitating for just a moment, she lunged at Jane with a knife in her hand. However, Detective Carter was quick enough to subdue her with just enough force.

With Emily in custody, her reign of terror was now over. She confessed everything to the police, and that solidified Jane’s case of attempted assault, harassment, and stalking. This woman was jealous and obsessed!

They Move On
Detective Carter and Jane wanted Emily to get appropriate help through counseling and mental health assistance so that she’d deal with her ordeal and be able to get over the trauma. Jane was happy to breathe easily and get over that horrible situation.

They Move On
Spreading Awareness
Jane was now able to move on with life. She told her story often and reminded everyone that danger lurks everywhere. The detective never stopped searching for answers, but it isn’t always easy to do.

Spreading Awareness
Receiving Help
Once Emily was arrested, Detective Carter and Jane focused on healing and recovery for themselves. They worked through their emotions. Jane actually went to therapy to deal with all that trauma she faced.

Receiving Help
The Goodness of Others
Though it took time, Jane began trusting others again, finding a support network to help her rebuild her life. Plus, Detective Carter was comforted that justice was served because of his skills and abilities.

The Goodness of Others
Detective Carter was awarded because of his work on Jane’s case. Everyone knew he was dedicated and had relentlessly sought justice. He’s now a mentor and shares his knowledge with everyone he can.
