If you have an excess, you may be tempted to throw them out, causing more waste and negating the positive purpose behind reusable bags. Instead of throwing them out, you can instead transform them into something else that is actually useful. You can create reusable snack bags out of them!

Resuable Recycle Bags
What You Need
-recycle bag
-duct tape
-velcro sticky back for fabrics
-cutting mat
-rotary cutter
What To Do
Take a clean recycle bag (if it’s used, make sure you clean it thoroughly) and cup it into a 15 inch by 6 inch rectangle. The rotary cutter and cutting mat can help make this step simple and smooth.

Cut The Reusable Bags
Fold up the bottom making sure its at 5.5 inches and then secure the sides using the duct tape. Cut 5 inches of of the velcro sticky back, peel back the liner and press it into the lip of the flap, making sure that it is secure. Place the matching side on the top of the bag and stick it well. Close the flap and let it set for about 24 hours minimum.

Add The Velcro Sticky Back
This bag is a perfect size for keeping sandwiches secure, but you can make the bag any size you would like.

The Perfect Sandwich Bag
These reusable snack bags are perfect since they are light, easy to use, and customizable. They also fit into lunchboxes very easily, so you can add several into the bag at once.
When you want to wash these snack bags, make sure you use only cold or warm water, since hot water will ruin the sticky backing of the fastener.

Reusable Snack Bags